Sikhi and exams

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

For many students, exam season is upon us, whether it's GCSEs, A-Levels or university examinations. This also means that many of us may be feeling worried or stressed for these exams and the pressure can be distracting. I'm going to share some of my experiences which I have been through and how I've dealt with them.

During my GCSEs, a lot of the people around me were revising almost all day everyday, they were staying up until early hours without taking breaks, and what I found was that they ended up being overworked and this wasn't helpful to them in the long run, during the exam period. Whereas I left my revision until the last few weeks before the exams, and I took regular breaks between study periods. Although, this was meant to be more relaxing and less pressurising, I still felt distressed from inside. That void could only be filled by Guru Sahib and Sikhi. I found that it was important to maintain my spiritual life whilst dealing with revision because I was able to turn to Sikhi to give me peace at the end of a long day. I ensured that I was doing my Nitnem everyday and before each exam I was doing a heartfelt Ardaas to Guru Sahib. I trusted Guru Sahib, and was willing to accept the end result as Akaal Purakh's Hukam, whether it was a positive or negative result, it was still the command of Waheguru.

Having Sikhi to turn to made exams a lot easier. I gradually stopped worrying because I put my faith in Guru Ji and worked the hardest I could to ensure that the grades I got were those that I wanted. At a time where some will decrease their devotion in their religion to spend that time revising and studying, I found that the answer to my problems lied within devotion. Listening to Kirtan whilst revising was also soothing and it helped to keep me calm whilst I was taking in the information that I required for the exams.

My advice would be to ensure that you keep your faith and that you spend some of your spare time or breaks, listening to Kirtan, or maybe reciting Mool Mantar a few times just to keep yourself relaxed and yet productive at the same time. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's 19th Hukam was to ensure that whatever work you have, don't be lazy in doing it. We can take this Hukam and act upon it, making sure that we have that correct balance between our spiritual life and our studies.

Bhul chuk maaf karni (forgive me for my many mistakes).

- Daas


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