The importance of Nagar Kirtans
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
As we approach Vaisakhi, many towns and cities will be leading a Nagar Kirtan to mark the significance of Vaisakhi. Whilst many of us will attend, not all of us are aware of the importance and meaning behind the procession. The word 'Nagar' generally means town or city, and 'Kirtan" is the singing of Shabads, therefore it literally translates to 'Neighbourhood Kirtan'. The concept of a Nagar Kirtan is to bring the message of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj to the forefront of the community. The procession is lead by the embodiment of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, in the form of the Panj Pyare. Behind the Panj Pyare is the float which carries Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and in many cases there are multiple other floats which follow behind the float of Guru Sahib. The Sadh Sangat walk behind these floats and partake in the singing of Shabads, and some Sevadars hand out refreshments along the route, as part of the concept of Langar. There will also be Sevadars who sweep the road ahead, to maintain the respect for Guru Sahib.
So what is important about a Nagar Kirtan? Is there more to it than dressing up in your best outfit and competing to get the most free refreshments?
Whilst partaking in the Nagar Kirtan, one can find inner peace and connect with Waheguru, despite being in a large crowd of people. The state of Nirvana can be reached by singing the true praises of Akaal Purakh. By indulging ourselves into the Kirtan, we can become distant from worldly attractions and experience the Amrit from Gurbani itself. That's why it is important that we go to the Nagar Kirtan to connect with Guru Sahib, and not to gossip or show off. We seem to have strayed away from the sole purpose of what the Nagar Kirtan was meant to be held for. If we ourselves, as Sikhs, aren't partaking in the Kirtan and spreading the divine message of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj, then how are we meant to bring it to the doorstep of the community?
We don't have to have prior knowledge of the Shabads being sung, they're usually simple enough to pick up, if we listen with our full concentration. Listening is just as effective, by hearing the divine Kirtan we can immerse ourselves with the Amrit in the Gurbani and we will slowly absorb into the state of Nirvana.
If you are attending a Nagar Kirtan over the Vaisakhi period, stay safe and reflect on the true meaning of a Nagar Kirtan.
- Daas
As we approach Vaisakhi, many towns and cities will be leading a Nagar Kirtan to mark the significance of Vaisakhi. Whilst many of us will attend, not all of us are aware of the importance and meaning behind the procession. The word 'Nagar' generally means town or city, and 'Kirtan" is the singing of Shabads, therefore it literally translates to 'Neighbourhood Kirtan'. The concept of a Nagar Kirtan is to bring the message of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj to the forefront of the community. The procession is lead by the embodiment of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, in the form of the Panj Pyare. Behind the Panj Pyare is the float which carries Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and in many cases there are multiple other floats which follow behind the float of Guru Sahib. The Sadh Sangat walk behind these floats and partake in the singing of Shabads, and some Sevadars hand out refreshments along the route, as part of the concept of Langar. There will also be Sevadars who sweep the road ahead, to maintain the respect for Guru Sahib.
So what is important about a Nagar Kirtan? Is there more to it than dressing up in your best outfit and competing to get the most free refreshments?

We don't have to have prior knowledge of the Shabads being sung, they're usually simple enough to pick up, if we listen with our full concentration. Listening is just as effective, by hearing the divine Kirtan we can immerse ourselves with the Amrit in the Gurbani and we will slowly absorb into the state of Nirvana.
If you are attending a Nagar Kirtan over the Vaisakhi period, stay safe and reflect on the true meaning of a Nagar Kirtan.
Bhul chuk maaf karni (forgive me for my many mistakes).
- Daas
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