Bhagat Dhanna Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

Yesterday marked the Janam Dihara (birthday) of Bhagat Dhanna Ji. In 1415, Bhagat Ji was born into a Jatt family in Rajasthan. Three Shabads, written by Bhagat Dhanna Ji, are included in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, on Ang 487, 488 and 695.

Since Bhagat Ji spent his early life working on his family's farm and during this time he was an idol worshipper, but slowly he became a pure saint. From his childhood, he was a simple, honest and hard-working person who enjoyed the company of scholars, although he didn't attend school himself. Bhagat Ji also spent time helping the needy and assisting the holy men whom he would come across. Later on in his life he went to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, one of the most famous Hindu temples, dedicated to Lord Shiva. Here he was initiated by Swami Ramananda, and began his journey to becoming a saint. Although he was illiterate, through devotion and dedication, he gained a high status.

Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj admired Bhagat Dhanna Ji and his dedication towards the Lord. Dhanna was not initially a Gurmukh, but through the company of saints, where only the truth is discussed, he became a Gurmukh. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji writes:

ਧੰਨੈ ਸੇਵਿਆ ਬਾਲ ਬੁਧਿ 
Ḏẖannai sevi▫ā bāl buḏẖ.
Dhanna served the Lord, with the innocence of a child. 
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 1192)

Dhanna Ji was listening to a Pundit singing religious verses and carrying out rituals, which were beyond his own understanding. The Pundit was feeding his Thakur (a stone idol), and at this point Bhagat Ji decided to ask the Pundit about the ritual he was doing. The Pundit was focused solely on pleasing the stone idol as he thought God would gift him everything if he did so. Bhagat Dhanna Ji began to worship a Thakur and one day, Waheguru began speaking to Bhagat Ji through the Thakur.  Dhanna Ji asked the Pundit to come and see his Thakur but when he visited, the Pundit couldn't see the Thakur. When Bhagat Ji spoke to the Thakur he asked why the Pundit couldn't see it, and Waheguru replied that the Pundit didn't really want to see him, instead he was too absorbed in wanting to see the Maya. After this, the Thakur told Bhagat Ji to take on Naam Simran, and then vanished. After this Bhagat Dhanna Ji became enlightened and started his journey as a saint.

Bhul chuk maaf karni (forgive me for my many mistakes).

- Daas


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