Women in Sikhi

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

This week's topic is women in Sikhi! As you may be aware, International Women's Day and Mother's Day was celebrated this week, but for us, everyday should be Women's Day, everyday should be Mother's Day. We should celebrate everyone, regardless of their gender, religion, sexual orientation, and we should celebrate each other everyday.
However, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the many remembered women in our itihaas. We can start right at the beginning:

Bibi Nanaki Ji, the elder sister of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and effectively the first Sikh. Bibi Ji was the first to recognise Maharaj's spiritual eminence and she protected him from the anger of their father.

Mata Gujar Kaur Ji, the wife of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji, the father of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the grandmother of the Chaar Sahibzade. Mata Ji was imprisoned in the Thanda Burj, along with Sahibzade Baba Zorawar Singh Ji and Sahibzade Baba Fateh Singh Ji. Mata Ji became Shaheed at the age of 81, after hearing about the Shaheedi of the Chote Sahibzade.

Mai Bhago Ji, the Sant Sipahi, who convinced the Chaali Mukte to return to assist Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. She was the sole survivor of the Battle of Mukstar in which the Chaali Mukte attained Shaheedi. After recovering from her injuries, Mai Bhago Ji became a bodyguard for Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and later went into deep meditation for the remainder of her life.

Bibi Amandeep Kaur, just one of many Kaurs made Shaheed post-1984. Bibi Ji was harassed by the police forces before being raped and tortured. She went into hiding until the police played a sinister game, where she was asked to return home as they insisted they would stop harassing her. Upon returning she was shot dead by two masked gunmen and became Shaheed on January 21st 1992.

I could write countless paragraphs because there are countless women who have contributed a great amount to our Panth. I encourage all readers to go away and research into our itihaas, because there are so many Shaheeds to be learnt about. I urge my Sikh sisters to take inspiration from these role models, from these Shaheeds and learn more about their contribution.

Women have always been equal to men, throughout our itihaas. Right from the start, right until now and they always will be.

Bhul chuk maaf karni (forgive me for my many mistakes).

- Daas


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