Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Today is the Janam Dihara (birthday) of Baba Deep Singh Ji, one of Sikhi's most honoured Shaheeds (maytrs). Baba Ji (born 26th January 1682) was the first Jathedar (leader) of the Damdami Taksal, a school of learning for Sikhs. Baba Deep Singh Ji became Shaheed, after fighting two battles against a 20,000 strong Mughal army, in which the Singhs were heavily outnumbered. Baba Ji was beheaded during the second battle, but having vowed to die in the precincts of Sri Harmandir Sahib, he carried his head on his palm and continued fighting. Baba Ji left for Sach Khand (the realm of truth) after resting his head outside Sri Harmandir Sahib on the 13th November 1757, at the age of 75.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj writes:

- Daas
Today is the Janam Dihara (birthday) of Baba Deep Singh Ji, one of Sikhi's most honoured Shaheeds (maytrs). Baba Ji (born 26th January 1682) was the first Jathedar (leader) of the Damdami Taksal, a school of learning for Sikhs. Baba Deep Singh Ji became Shaheed, after fighting two battles against a 20,000 strong Mughal army, in which the Singhs were heavily outnumbered. Baba Ji was beheaded during the second battle, but having vowed to die in the precincts of Sri Harmandir Sahib, he carried his head on his palm and continued fighting. Baba Ji left for Sach Khand (the realm of truth) after resting his head outside Sri Harmandir Sahib on the 13th November 1757, at the age of 75.
Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj writes:

ਜਉ ਤਉ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਖੇਲਣ ਕਾ ਚਾਉ ॥ Ja▫o ṯa▫o parem kẖelaṇ kā cẖā▫o. If you desire to play this game of love with Me, |
ਸਿਰੁ ਧਰਿ ਤਲੀ ਗਲੀ ਮੇਰੀ ਆਉ ॥ Sir ḏẖar ṯalī galī merī ā▫o. then step onto My Path with your head in hand. (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 1412) |
Throughout his life, Baba Ji was described as a tall and strong man who was dedicated to any mission which he pursued. Baba Deep Singh Ji fought along side Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Ji in the Battle of Sirhind, on the mission to avenge the Shaheedi of the Chhote Sahibzaade. Baba Ji was summoned to Sri Damdama Sahib by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, where he worked with Bhai Mani Singh Ji to prepare the final saroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Guru Gobind Singh Ji recited the entire Granth Sahib, whilst they wrote out the entire text. After this, Baba Deep Singh Ji continued to hand write four more saroops, which were then installed at Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Sri Damdama Sahib, Sri Patna Sahib and Sri Hazur Sahib. Baba Ji also wrote a complete Granth Sahib in Arabic, which was then sent to the Middle East.
We can all take something away from learning about the life of Baba Deep Singh Ji, whether it's increasing our Nitnem or learning Gurmukhi Santhia. Baba Ji would do Nitnem of Panj Granthi, 108 Japji Sahibs, 101 Jaap Sahibs, alongside Jaaps of Chandi di Vaar and Chandi Charitar. The evidence of this amazing Nitnem is preserved at Sri Damdama Sahib, where Baba Ji's handwritten Nitnem Gutka Sahib is kept. Let's all immerse ourselves in Gurbani as Baba Ji did.
We can all take something away from learning about the life of Baba Deep Singh Ji, whether it's increasing our Nitnem or learning Gurmukhi Santhia. Baba Ji would do Nitnem of Panj Granthi, 108 Japji Sahibs, 101 Jaap Sahibs, alongside Jaaps of Chandi di Vaar and Chandi Charitar. The evidence of this amazing Nitnem is preserved at Sri Damdama Sahib, where Baba Ji's handwritten Nitnem Gutka Sahib is kept. Let's all immerse ourselves in Gurbani as Baba Ji did.
Bhul chuk maaf karni (forgive me for my many mistakes).
- Daas
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