Sri Guru Amar Das Ji

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. This weekend will mark the Parkash (birth) of our third Guru, Sri Guru Amar Das Ji. Guru Ji was born in 1479, 10 years after Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Guru Sahib was a shopkeeper and lived in a village called Barsake, close to Amritsar, and married Mata Mansa Devi and they had four children. They had two sons and two daughters. One of Guru Sahib's daughters, Bibi Bhani Ji, would later marry Bhai Jetha, who became Sri Guru Ram Das Ji, the fourth Guru. Bhai Amar Das Ji was born into a Hindu family and lived as a very religious Vaishanavite Hindu, who spent most of his life performing rituals and keeping fasts. One day, Bhai Sahib heard the Shabad of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji being sung by the daughter of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji. Bhai Sahib was so impressed by this, that he went and visited Guru Angad Dev Ji immediately. It was recorded that Bhai Amar Das Ji was 61 at the time of this visit. Bhai Sahib was so touched by Sikhi, that he became a...