Gurdwareh holding Iftar

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. As most will be aware, this month is currently Ramadan, a month of fasting, for Muslims around the world. It recently came to light, through media, that Gurdwareh in places like Pakistan and Dubai were holding Iftar, the evening meal eaten after Muslims break their fasts. There's been controversy over this topic since it was publicised on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, with media outlets highlighting this great deed being done by Sikhs in countries which they are, as usual, minorities in. Showing again, the concept of compassion which has been taught to us through the Gurbani which we have been blessed with. This image shows people from over 30 different nationalities at an Iftar, held by Guru Nanak Darbar in Dubai, the largest Gurdwara in the Gulf region. The first point which I want to highlight is that as Sikhs, we do not believe in the concept of fasting . Guru Sahib taught us that fasting doesn't bring...